Why help teachers become real estate investors? - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman

When I started investing in real estate, I was actually pressure washing houses to make ends meet. My wife was a kindergarten teacher and was exceptionally gifted with children. She had passion for it.

Unfortunately, she started off with a salary of $32,000 per year. After we spent about $2,000-$3,000 per year on her classroom so that children had basic supplies needed to complete basic learning…there wasn’t much left.

About 4 years ago, I retired my wife from teaching. It just wan’t worth it. The stress, evaluations, early mornings and long nights, mandated curriculum, problematic children who aren’t allowed to receive discipline, the cons far outweighed the pros.

The pro side would be much better if teachers were actually compensated in relation to the value that they bring to society. Simply put, teachers change lives in every way possible.

I can’t lobby local and state government officials to help. I have no political influence. But I know how to buy lots of houses with equity. I decided, based on the advice of a few friends and mentors, to open up my mentorship to teachers for 100% free.

Teachers are highly skilled individuals that have everything it takes to be successful in the real estate investing world. They are smart, good with people, and generally organized. I’m only the first two.

A teacher can buy and sell one house per YEAR and replace their income in many cases. Many teachers have big hearts, so I am sure that a bit of that cash will trickle down to today’s youth which will create a brighter tomorrow. If I can help with that goal in a small way, I’ll have done my job.