About - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman


I’m Brad and I want to tell you the truth about what it takes to succeed as a real estate investor.

But before I do, let me tell you a story. It starts with a 16 year old boy pushing carts at the grocery store. My family had been in farming and agriculture for generations. But at a young age, I decided that shipping cattle across the country, and farming soybean and corn…praying for rain each July and August…was not what I wanted for future generations of my family. Nothing wrong with farming…these are some of the toughest and hardest working people I’ve ever met. I was just done cutting thistles and praying for rain.

I woke up one day when I was 17 years old and decided I was going to get my real estate license. I’m not sure why…I guess I thought it can’t be worse than pushing grocery carts. Right after high school, the summer before college, I got licensed in Tennessee and began my career as a real estate sales person with Keller Williams Realty.

My first 6 months I made a total of $1827.27.

Now….guys…I don’t care how you budget.

That doesn’t pay the bills.

Luckily, soon after, I was picked up by a builder/developer from my church and I ran his model home. I began to have regular closings at age 20, and learned custom presale new construction. I saw his lifestyle….He had money. He had time to do what he enjoyed. It was a paradigm shift in my thinking. I decided to become a real estate investor.

In 2010 I burned the bridges and retired my real estate license…having never bought a house before. It took 8 grueling months of putting out bandit signs on the weekend to hit my first deal…a wrap note and deed of trust along with $19,000 in down payment.

Goal accomplished.

That money felt like $19,000,000 since I had about $300 at the time.

I began my marketing machine..

And the rest is history. Hundreds and hundreds of transactions later…one more house is just not that exciting anymore. What is exciting is helping others across the goal line. I remember what it felt like investing in marketing instead of going on vacations. And I remember what it felt like not putting $4.00/gallon gas in my truck because I didn’t have it.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Today I run and manage a 7 figure flipping business, and hold notes across Middle Tennessee. We invest in multiple states, and have houses from Michigan to Georgia right now.

It’s possible. I’m here to show you how.