Can I really become a successful real estate investor? - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman

I am often asked by newbie investors the same simple question….

“Can I really do this?”

My answer is always the same…if you want it bad enough, you can.

The fact is very simple. The real estate business is primed for people that are skilled with negotiation skills, people skills, and basic analytical skills that are necessary to evaluate transactions. We buy equity, and when that equity is apparent, it must be purchased.

The financing is easy.

The negotiation is a basic framework that once learned, is easy.

What is difficult is convincing people that I am no different than they are. You see, I really had nothing when I first went into this business. I had no cash, no contacts, no credit, no expertise.

It took some time, but I became skilled.

You can too. It’s worth it.