Wholesaling in a Declining Market with Mike Simmons - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman


Mike Simmons is a real estate investor and partner in one of the country’s largest real estate mentorship/mastermind companies Just Start Real Estate. He is also the producer and host of Just Start Real Estate Podcast, and has conducted over 350 interviews with entrepreneurs who run 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. He has a new book that is now available on Amazon: Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in 12 Months.

What We Cover:

  • The best way to navigate a declining market
  • The importance of continuous education in real estate
  • When is the right moment to scale
  • Learning to let go and delegate tasks to your team
  • What kind of marketing works for wholesaling right now
  • The story of Mike’s first deal
  • What the process looks like after capturing a lead
  • What Mike’s latest book is about
