TMC #22 – Your Setback is Your Comeback - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman

Today, we take a look at the beginnings and the struggles we experienced when entering the real estate business. We are going to offer you some perspective on bad times to help you turn your setbacks into your comebacks.

What We Cover:

  • Deal of the Day
  • How to re-frame everything negative that has happened to you
  • How your struggle serves to build your program
  • Remember that you never have a full context about people
  • Examples of difficult transactions we had, and what we learned from them

There’s a lot of benefits and value in the struggle. Struggling means that you don’t have the whole context yet of what’s not going well and how to change it. Although riding the roller coaster can be emotionally exhausting, you get to learn from your bad times, and you’ll see that over time, most things will work out.

Email us if you have a question you’d like answered on one of the following Tuesdays.
