TMC #16 – What the Current Market ’Correction’ is Teaching Us - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman

We notice there is a sense of fear taking over the current market and expanding into real estate. Yes, it may be a tough market but the reality is that the number of households interested in becoming homeowners remains high. If you remain focused on what matters, this challenging market has a silver lining for you.

What We Cover:

– Announcements: Free Support Calls + Stinky House Challenge!

– The asset classes that are currently not doing very well (Bitcoin, etc.)

– Fear sells and how to avoid sloppy buying

– The game will change but it doesn’t mean there is no game

– Why we are now seeing adjustable rate mortgages

– Is it possible to have major ‘corrections’ in real estate?

– Home ownership is not going away but we will see some changes

The current market trigger is no doubt difficult. However, a crash market is not necessarily a bad thing for everyone. We can’t be scared of change because with every change comes an opportunity and we have to learn to adapt and to be excited about what’s to come.

Email us if you have a question you’d like answered on one of the following Tuesdays.
