TMC #15 – Mentor-Mentee Relationships: Why They Matter - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman

Mentorship is a process that develops naturally when a mentee is found by a mentor or vice versa. Mentors often make a huge impact without even realizing it or trying, and the experience of having this kind of relationship is utterly rewarding. So today we discuss the relevance of mentor-mentee relationships in building a career in real estate.

What We Cover:

  • Character traits of a mentor
  • How to know in which areas of your life you’ll benefit from having a mentor
  • How a mentor shortens the learning curve and saves time and costs
  • Why sometimes you need to burn the boat to find a way to get to the shore
  • How Mentor-Mentee relationship increases vision and goals
  • Mentor-mentee relationship is a two-way street

A great mentor provides valuable insights not just about the market and industry, but also about how you can have long-term success. You get feedback from a person who has the context and you just need to trust the process. So go out there and find your mentor.

Email us if you have a question you’d like answered on one of the following Tuesdays.
