TMC #11 – The 5 Big Motivators: Health & Safety - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman


Today we are covering another big motivator that a large number of deals comes from, and that’s health and safety. It’s a broad topic and we will share some of the tough situations we’ve encountered while closing deals. We will also give some advice on how to navigate your transactions when you run into health and safety as a seller’s motivator.

What We Cover:

  • Apprentice Spotlight and Deal of the Day
  • What health and safety means in the context of closing deals
  • Examples of some deals where motivation was health and safety
  • How to navigate a seller who might be in abusive situation
  • At what point you should reach out for help if you run into a sever health and safety situation
  • How to talk to the sellers to find out if there is a health and safety issue

When you are closing deals and something doesn’t seem right, pay attention as you might be called to take action if someone is in a threatening situation. Remember, we’re making income as investors, but we are also making impact on people’s lives and communities.

Email us if you have a question you’d like answered on one of the following Tuesdays.
