How Justin 15x’d his Business - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman

I’m excited to welcome Justin Rogers to the show, a 10-year veteran in investing and a member of my apprenticeship group for 2 years. We are diving deep into Justin’s meteoric rise from making 15-25k per flip to his first six-figure deal using our system, and scaling to 7-figure business.

What is Covered:

  • What has changed in the real estate market since 2012
  • How Justin got started with investing after a career in entertainment
  • How he made his first 500k deal
  • The toughest part of transitioning from solopreneurship to investing business
  • How marketing became a gamechanger in Justin’s business
  • Justin’s most memorable deal to date

Justin honestly shares his fears and struggles, from the lack of self-belief and belief in group programs, to juggling his family life and working life at the beginning of his journey. It’s humbling for me to witness the success he has made within this program.

If you want to be a part of our apprenticeship group and experience the growth Justin had, shoot us an email at